Panama, 2017
Here is a collection of bird and mammal photos taken in Panama during January and February of 2017. We visited the provinces of Darien, Panama, and Chiriqui. Read more about our visit in our blog posts at "On The Edge of the Darién", "Birding and Barú " and "What's a Cacomistle?".
- Slaty-tailed Trogon
- Jamaican Fruit Bat
- Sapphire-throated Hummingbird
- Geoffrey's Tamarin
- Golden-collared Manakin (M)
- Spot-breasted Woodpecker
- Crimson-crested Woodpecker
- Masked Tityra
- Golden-headed Manakin
- Black-crowned Antshrike (M)
- Russet-winged Schiffornis
- Black Oropendola
- White-flanked Antwren
- Great Jacomar
- White-whiskered Puffbird
- Black-crowned Antpitta
- Spotted Antbird (M)
- Pale-bellied Hermit
- Gartered Trogon (M)
- Harpy Eagle
- Ocellated Antbird
- Bicolored Antbird
- Checker-throated Antwren
- Speckled Mourner
- Clear-winged Butterfly
- Checker-throated Antwren
- Crested Owl
- Whooping Motmot
- Broad-billed Motmot
- Three-toed Sloth
- Brown-hooded Parrot
- Silver-throated Tanager
- Green Kingfisher
- Tufted Flycatcher
- Yellow-faced Grassquit
- Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet (F)
- Rufous-breasted Hermit (F)
- Tawny-capped Euphonia
- Canada Warbler
- Collared Aracari
- Bay-headed Tanager
- Rufous-collared Sparrow
- Flame-colored Tanager
- Sulphur-winged Parakeets
- Scintillant Hummingbird
- Summer Tanager (M)
- Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
- Blue-grey Tanager
- Yellow-crowned Euphonia (M)
- Acorn Woodpecker (M)
- Orange-billed Nightingale-thrush
- Resplendent Quetzal (M)
- Palm Tanager
- Spot-crowned Woodcreeper
- White-throated Mountain-gem (M)
- Volcano Hummingbird
- Black-capped Flycatcher
- Fiery-throated Hummingbird (M)
- Yellow-thighed Finch
- Cacomistle
- Kinkajou
- Mantled Howler
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
- Ornate Spider Monkey